Commitment to nature.

Malus domestica B.
Rich in diversity of colours, flavours, shapes and textures, in constant evolution of varieties, apples are a high nutritional food, with several associated health benefits.
It is a high durability fruit, resistant to transportation and handling, ascribing it the versatility of modern foods. A naturally fresh, sweet food, rich in fibres, antioxidants and vitamins; appreciated by all ages.
In Portugal apples are produced in various locations, and annual production is roughly 330 thousand tons in 15 thousand hectares of orchards with various ranges of Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Reineta, Jonagold, Pink, Fuji, Granny Smith, along with traditional varieties.

Our orchards are in the West Region, producing fruits distinguishable by colour and flavour thanks to the Atlantic influence. They are inserted in the Protected Geographical Indication of “Alcobaça’s Apple”,, recognition of their unique features for the production of high quality apples.
Our apples are available in the markets from August to May, depending on range and year; they are produced on Integrated Production Mode, controlled and certified to ensure environmental sustainability and food safety.
Look for them and always carry one with you!

Rocha Pear
O sabor da Região Oeste no mundo.